Sarah Ferguson, MD Integrative Medicine and Medical Acupuncture


Integrative Medicine - Hormone Balancing - Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture

For over a decade, Dr. Ferguson has successfully integrated acupuncture into her medical practice to promote healing, relieve pain and improve function for her patients. The treatment involves insertion of tiny needles at acupuncture points along the channels to stimulate the energy circulation, remove blocks to energy flow and restore energetic balance and organ function.

Scientific research has found that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord and brain, which reduce pain, improve energy, and stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.

The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems, including digestive disorders (gastritis, irritable bowel, constipation and diarrhea), respiratory disorders (sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma), and neurological and muscular disorders (headaches, neuritis, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, low back pain, osteoarthritis). Dr Ferguson has found acupuncture especially helpful in treating women's health issues such as PMS, perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

NEW PATIENTS: You must email or call 925-988-0140 to schedule an initial evaluation and treatment. Depending on the problem being treated, follow-up acupuncture treatments are scheduled weekly for up to 4 to 6 treatments.

RETURNING PATIENTS: If you have previously been treated by Dr. Ferguson, you may schedule follow-up acupuncture using the online scheduler. You may also email or call us if you need assistance in making an appointment.