
  • For medication refills, ask your pharmacy to fax a refill request to (925) 307-5742. Allow 3 business days for refill requests to be approved.
  • Refills may be approved till June 2018 for thyroid or hormone replacement medications if you are up to date on your visits and have current labs in 2017-18. This will allow you time to establish care with a new provider for these medications in the future.
  • If you are on thyroid or hormone therapy, it is important for you to have a local office-based provider following you. For a referral list, please email me at
  • I will continue to refill non-hormonal prescriptions and vaginal low dose hormone creams/tablets on an individual basis for patients who continue with telemedicine visits on a regular basis.


  • You can order supplements directly from Natural Partners at a discounted price.  Set up an account at The code is DISCOUNT2018.  In the upper right-hand corner, click Create Account.
  • This is a reliable source of a wide variety of quality, professional supplements obtained directly from the manufacturers and kept in a climate controlled facility, unlike Amazon and other vendors.
  • You can continue to order Designs for Health products directly through their website The code is SARAHFERGUSON.
  • For other supplements or herbs that are not available on those sites, you can email me and I will assist you in having them shipped directly to you.